Title II Formula Grants

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Title II Formula Grants Transition

OYCR is undergoing a transition with the California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) to assume ownership of the Title II Formula Grants Program. Systems and documents are being adjusted and several links will redirect users to the BSCC website.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) requires states that receive Title II awards to establish a State Advisory Group (SAG) to advise on Title II activities. As of December 2024, California’s State Advisory Group (SAG), which is the State Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (SACJJDP), membership has been updated. This Committee will also serve as the standing OYCR Executive Steering Committee to support policy and programs that improve outcomes for young people in the justice system.

OYCR’s page dedicated to SACJJDP is here.

What is the Title II Formula Grants Program?

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) is the federal statute that establishes the Title II Grant Program. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) administers the grant, in part, by awarding grants to states to support delinquency prevention and juvenile justice system improvement. See the Title II Formula Grants Fact Sheet.

The California Office of Youth and Community Restoration (OYCR) is the state agency that receives and administers California’s Title II grants. OYCR must competitively award funds to units of local government, nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations, or Indian tribes consistent with the purpose and intent of the JJDPA and California’s Title II State Plan.

Contact OYCR about Title II Formula Grants

For information on the Title II Formula Grants, please contact Krystal Lewis, OYCR Grants Manager, at OYCRGrants@chhs.ca.gov or (916) 651-0423. Read the OYCR Title II Designated State Agency Memo to Grantees.

Tribal Title II Grants – October 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026

In April 2023, the California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) Board approved a Tribal-Specific Title II RFP and released it on April 13, 2023 (Attachment C-2). Applicants could apply for up to $350,000 annually for a three-year grant period. Proposals were due on June 9, 2023.

Tribal Grantee

The highest-ranked proposal was submitted by the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians and approved by the BSCC Board. The tribe will receive $350,000 for the first year of the three-year cycle. Funding and amounts for the second and third years are contingent on future OJJDP Title II awards. The tribe applied under Program Purpose Area 4, Diversion.

Project Summary: The Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians, a Federally recognized Tribe located in Northern California, will implement the Youth Chronic Absentee Diversion Program to fund the services of a Youth Counselor and a Student Academic Advocate. These positions will ensure that program participants receive mental health counseling, family counseling, tutoring and cultural education. The Tribe will also hire a new Tutor to facilitate a Homework Club. The Homework Club will be a trauma-informed afterschool care program providing youth with tutoring support. The expected outcomes for the Coyote Valley 2023 Youth Chronic Absentee Diversion Program include a decrease in chronic absenteeism, an increase in graduation rates, and an increase in youth diverted from the juvenile justice system.

Tribal RFP

In April 2023, the BSCC released the Title II Tribal Request for Proposals for the grant cycle that runs from October 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026.

Bidders’ Conference

In May 2022, the BSCC held a bidders’ conference to answer questions and provide technical assistance to prospective applicants regarding the RFP process.

Title II Grants – January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2026

Total funding for this three-year grant cycle is $4,000,000 annually over the course of the grant term. Years two and three funding is contingent upon OJJDP Title II awards and amounts not yet known. The maximum amount of funding available per grant is $350,000 annually. The target population for the Title II Grant Program are people who are at-risk and/or have been under the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system and are under the age of 26. The Title II Grant program will fund programs that address Aftercare/Reentry, Alternatives to Detention, Community-Based Programs and Services, Diversion, Job Training, and/or Mentoring, Counseling, and Training Programs. 2023

Title II Project Summaries

2023 Title II Grantees

Title II GranteeProgram Purpose Area(s)Annual Award
Santa Cruz County ProbationAftercare/Reentry; Community-based Programs & Services$350,000
Youth Mentoring ConnectionsCommunity-based Programs & Services; Mentoring, Counseling & Training Programs$350,000
City of GilroyDiversion$349,984
Fresh Linelines for Youth, Inc.Mentoring, Counseling & Training Programs$349,999
Center for Training & Careers, Inc. DBA ConXion to CommunityAftercare/Reentry, Job Training/Programs; Mentoring, Counseling & Training Programs$349,669
Pacific ClinicsJob Training/Programs$350,000
Volunteers of America of Los AngelesJob Training/Programs; Mentoring, Counseling & Training Programs$350,000
Anti-RecidivismAfterCare/Reentry; Job Training/Programs; Mentoring, Counseling & Training Programs$348,752
Operation New HopeAftercare/Reentry; Alternatives to Detention; Community-Based Programs & Services; Diversion; Job Training/Programs; Mentoring, Counseling & Training Programs$265,140
Reading and BeyondCommunity-Based Programs & Services; Mentoring, Counseling & Training Programs$350,000
Arcata Police Department**Alternatives to Detention;$31,690
Retraining the Village***Aftercare/Reentry$204,755

*This cohort of grant projects was awarded on an annual cycle for up to three years; each subsequent award is non-competitive and based on the project’s compliance with federal and state requirements.

**Small county population proposal recommended for funding.

***Partially funded due to funding limitations.

Tribal II RFP

In June 2022 the BSCC release the Title II Request for Proposals for the grant cycle that runs from January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2026.

Bidders’ Conference

In June 2022, following the release of the RFP, the BSCC held a bidders’ conference with the intent of answering questions and providing technical assistance to prospective applicants regarding the RFP process

California’s Title II State Plan & Implementing Statute

California is required to complete a new State Plan every three years. The State Plan is then updated annually in years two and three. California’s annual application for the Title II award also serves as the State Plan or State Plan update, depending on the year.

2021-23 State Plan – Title II Grant Program

Prior Title II Grants

Dec 1, 2019 to Nov 30, 2022

On November 14, 2019 the BSCC awarded approximately $12.4 million to 12 grantees for a 3-year grant period covering December 1, 2019 – November 30, 2022. The 12 grantees and associated funding award are provided below.


Title II GranteesGrant Funding Awarded Annually*
California Youth Outreach (Monterey County)$225,000
Centinela Youth Services (Los Angeles County)$299,996
Community Works West (Alameda County)$300,000
El Dorado County Probation Department$149,985
Fresno County Probation Department$300,000
North County Lifeline (San Diego County)$297,000
Restorative Resources (Sonoma County)$225,000
Santa Cruz County Probation Department$196,200
Shasta County Probation Department$146,938
South Bay Community Services (San Diego County)$300,000
Watsonville Police Department (Santa Cruz County)$225,000
Youth Employment Partnership* (Alameda County)$94,881
Shingle Springs Rancheria Miwok Tribe$120,000
Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria$120,000

Oct 1, 2015 to Sep 30, 2019

Title II Project Summaries

Title II GranteesGrant Funding Awarded Annually*
California Youth Outreach (Monterey County)$225,000
Centinela Youth Services (Los Angeles County)$299,996
Community Works West (Alameda County)$300,000
El Dorado County Probation Department$149,985
Fresno County Probation Department$300,000
North County Lifeline (San Diego County)$297,000
Restorative Resources (Sonoma County)$225,000
Santa Cruz County Probation Department$196,200
Shasta County Probation Department$146,938
South Bay Community Services (San Diego County)$300,000
Watsonville Police Department (Santa Cruz County)$225,000
Youth Employment Partnership* (Alameda County)$94,881
Shingle Springs Rancheria Miwok Tribe$120,000
Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria$120,000

*This cohort of grant projects was awarded on an annual cycle for up to four years; each subsequent award was non-competitive and based on the project’s compliance with federal and state requirements.

R.E.D. Oct 1, 2014 to Sep 30, 2018

R.E.D. Project Summaries

Title II R.E.D GranteeGrant Funding Awarded Annually*
Mono County Probation Department$150,000
San Joaquin County Probation Department$200,000
Santa Barbara County Probation Department$147,940
Stanislaus County Probation Department$200,000

*This cohort of grant projects was awarded on an annual cycle for up to four years; each subsequent award was non-competitive and based on the project’s compliance with federal and state requirements.


SACJJDP Public Comment Services RFO

In March 2021, the SACJJDP released a Request for Offers (RF0) from local nonprofit organizations and Native American Tribes to hold community meetings for the purpose of receiving community feedback on the specific juvenile justice system needs in the local area. The results of the communities’ input helped the SACJJDP develop the 2021-2023 3-year state plan and determine the local program areas of focus and types of programs to support with Title II grant funds.

SACJJDP Public Comment Services RFO

Questions & Answers (Q & A)

SACJJDP Public Comment Services Request for Offers Frequently Asked Questions – 3.16.21

RFP to Identify Interventions & Replicable Strategies for Reducing Racial & Ethnic Disparity

In November 2020, the SACJJDP released an RFP to find a contractor with Racial and Ethnic Disparity project experience to develop a State and County data dashboard, to conduct a review of a sample of factors that contribute to Racial and Ethnic Disparity, and to develop a replicable framework for determining the appropriate measurable intervention. The final product will assist the SACJJDP in making data-driven recommendations on the allocation of Title II funding directed towards reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparity in the Juvenile Justice system.

Title II Grant Program: Identifying Effective Interventions and Replicable Strategies for Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities RFP

Identifying Effective Interventions and Replicable Strategies for Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities RFP Frequently Asked Questions – 12.17.2020