Compliance Monitoring

Youth in Adult Detention and Court Holding Facilities

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Notice to Local Detention and Law Enforcement Facilities – July 2024

Beginning July 1, 2024 (pursuant to SB823), the Office of Youth and Community Restoration (OYCR) will assume responsibility for federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) compliance monitoring programs from the California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC). 

OYCR is the Designated State Agency for Title II Formula grants. Title II Formula grants and all related aspects, including Compliance Monitoring, will be transitioned from BSCC. Several links on this website will continue to redirect users to the BSCC website during this transition period.

For form and report submissions, please email them to with the pertaining subject. For example, for separation incident reports, you may follow the format “[Insert Facility] [Insert Date] Separation Incident Report.”

Compliance Monitoring

The Office of Youth and Community Restoration (OYCR) is California’s designated state agency responsible for monitoring compliance with the Federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA). The JJDPA is the only federal law focusing on improving juvenile justice systems, while shaping how states deliver juvenile justice to youth and their communities.

Among its many key components, the JJDPA establishes federal minimum standards for the protection, safety, care, and treatment of all youth who have contact with juvenile justice systems. These standards are commonly known as the JJDPA’s Core Requirements. Compliance Monitoring includes the following:

  1. Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders (DSO)
  2. Separation
  3. Jail Removal

OYCR uses three programs to monitor compliance of the Core Requirements; (1) Minors in Detention, (2) Minors in Court Holding, and (3) Status Offenders and Federal Youth. The Minors in Detention and Minors in Court Holding programs focus on data collection and on-site inspection of every facility in the State of California that is known to staff law enforcement. Program surveys, forms, helpful links, and resources are located below.


* OJJDP requires states that receive Title II awards to establish a State Advisory Group (SAG) to advise on Title II activities. As of June 2024, California’s State Advisory Group (SAG), which is the State Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (SACJJDP), membership is being renewed and redetermined. This Committee will also serve as the standing OYCR Executive Steering Committee to support policy and programs that improve outcomes for young people in the justice system.

OYCR’s page dedicated to SACJJDP is under construction. Until then, visitors can visit BSCC’s SACJJDP page to understand the committee’s role in Title II Grants.

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